
Tested with Travis CI

Table of Contents

  1. Description

  2. Setup - The basics of getting started with php

  3. Usage - Configuration options and additional functionality

  4. Reference - An under-the-hood peek at what the module is doing and how

  5. Limitations - OS compatibility, etc.

  6. Development - Guide for contributing to the module


This module manages PHP and the FastCGI Process Manager.

CentOS, RHEL, Scientific and Oracle Enterprise Linux is supported using Puppet 4.6.0 or later.


Setup Requirements

On RHEL/CentOS platforms you may need to have access to the EPEL repository for some of the additional PHP extensions by using stahnma/epel or by other means. If you wish to use a version of PHP shipped in a Software Collection then you will need access to the SCL repository using bodgit/scl or similar.

Beginning with php

In the very simplest case, you can just include the following which mimics the default installation and extensions:

include ::php


Additional extensions are available, so if you need MySQL support:

include ::php
include ::php::extension::mysql

The FastCGI Process Manager can be installed and multiple pools can be configured:

include ::php
include ::php::fpm

::php::fpm::pool { 'www':
  listen          => '/var/run/php-fpm/www.sock',
  pm              => 'static',
  pm_max_children => 10,
  user            => 'apache',


The reference documentation is generated with puppet-strings and the latest version of the documentation is hosted at


This module has been built on and tested against Puppet 4.6.0 and higher.

The module has been tested on:

  • CentOS Enterprise Linux 6/7

This module doesn't install or configure mod_php for Apache however the apache::mod::php class should work in combination with this module.


The module has both rspec-puppet and beaker-rspec tests. Run them with:

$ bundle exec rake test
$ PUPPET_INSTALL_TYPE=agent PUPPET_INSTALL_VERSION=x.y.z bundle exec rake beaker:<nodeset>

Please log issues or pull requests at github.