Tested with Travis CI
Table of Contents
This module can install LDAP libraries, client utilities and more
importantly install and configure the slapd
ḋaemon to provide
directory services.
RHEL/CentOS, Ubuntu, Debian and OpenBSD are supported using Puppet 4.4.0 or later.
Setup Requirements
You will need pluginsync enabled.
Beginning with openldap
include ::openldap
Install the LDAP libraries and create a global ldap.conf
mimicking the stock RHEL/CentOS install as well as a per-user
for any subsequently created users. Also install the
client utilities:
class { '::openldap':
tls_cacertdir => '/etc/openldap/certs'
::openldap::configuration { '/etc/skel/.ldaprc':
ensure => file,
owner => 0,
group => 0,
mode => '0640',
base => 'dc=example,dc=com',
uri => ['ldap://'],
::Openldap::Configuration['/etc/skel/.ldaprc'] -> User <||>
include ::openldap::client
Create a standalone directory server listening on the standard LDAP TCP port 389 that disallows anonymous reads and allows users to update their own object:
include ::openldap
include ::openldap::client
class { '::openldap::server':
root_dn => 'cn=Manager,dc=example,dc=com',
root_password => '{SSHA}7dSAJPGe4YKKEvUPuGJIeSL/03GV2IMY',
suffix => 'dc=example,dc=com',
access => [
'attrs' => ['userPassword'],
'who' => ['self'],
'access' => '=xw',
'who' => ['anonymous'],
'access' => 'auth',
'dn' => '*',
'who' => ['dn.base="gidNumber=0+uidNumber=0,cn=peercred,cn=external,cn=auth"'],
'access' => 'manage',
'who' => ['self'],
'access' => 'write',
'who' => ['users'],
'access' => 'read',
indices => [
[['objectClass'], ['eq', 'pres']],
[['ou', 'cn', 'mail', 'surname', 'givenname'], ['eq', 'pres', 'sub']],
interfaces => ["ldap://${::ipaddress}/"],
::openldap::server::schema { 'cosine':
ensure => present,
::openldap::server::schema { 'inetorgperson':
ensure => present,
::openldap::server::schema { 'nis':
ensure => present,
require => ::Openldap::Server::Schema['cosine'],
The reference documentation is generated with puppet-strings and the latest version of the documentation is hosted at
Rather than expose overlays, modules, databases, etc. as defined or native types and leave the user to build their own configuration this module takes the decision to hide most of this complexity and build what most people probably want out of OpenLDAP; a single database, possibly replicated. This is largely due to a number of behaviours and idiosyncrasies of OpenLDAP; the order of overlays matters for example.
Most of the attributes or objects are additive and cannot be deleted without manually editing the configuration with the server stopped. This module will always try and issue the necessary LDIF commands however the server will likely be “unwilling to perform” them. Experimental delete support is apparently available as a compile-time option which may allow this module to remove configuration more easily but I have not tested it.
This means that if you try to convert from say a replicating producer back to a standalone server you will probably get errors from trying to remove the various replication objects. However things should always build from scratch cleanly.
This module has been built on and tested against Puppet 4.4.0 and higher.
The module has been tested on:
RedHat Enterprise Linux 6/7
Ubuntu 14.04/16.04
Debian 7/8
OpenBSD 6.0
The module has both rspec-puppet and beaker-rspec tests. Run them with:
$ bundle exec rake test
$ PUPPET_INSTALL_TYPE=agent PUPPET_INSTALL_VERSION=x.y.z bundle exec rake beaker:<nodeset>
Please log issues or pull requests at github.