Table of Contents
This module manages oddjob, a D-Bus service which performs random tasks.
RHEL/CentOS is supported using Puppet 5 or later.
Beginning with oddjob
In the very simplest case, you can just include the following:
include dbus
include oddjob
To install the mkhomedir Oddjob job:
include dbus
include oddjob
include oddjob::mkhomedir
You will then likely want to configure the PAM stack to utilise this.
The reference documentation is generated with puppet-strings and the latest version of the documentation is hosted at bodgit.github.io/puppet-oddjob/ and available also in the REFERENCE.md.
This module has been built on and tested against Puppet 5 and higher.
The module has been tested on:
Red Hat/CentOS Enterprise Linux 6/7/8
The module relies on PDK and has both rspec-puppet and Litmus tests. Run them with:
$ bundle exec rake spec
$ bundle exec rake litmus:*
Please log issues or pull requests at github.