Defined Type: nsd::zone
- Defined in:
- manifests/zone.pp
Define a zone in NSD.
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# File 'manifests/zone.pp', line 35
define nsd::zone (
Bodgitlib::Zone $zone = $title,
Optional[String] $content = undef,
Optional[String] $source = undef,
Optional[Array[NSD::ACL::AllowNotify, 1]] $allow_notify = undef,
Optional[Boolean] $allow_axfr_fallback = undef,
Optional[String] $include_pattern = undef,
Optional[Array[NSD::ACL::Notify, 1]] $notifies = undef, # Renamed to avoid clash with notify metaparameter
Optional[Integer[0]] $notify_retry = undef,
Optional[NSD::Interface] $outgoing_interface = undef,
Optional[Array[NSD::ACL::ProvideXFR, 1]] $provide_xfr = undef,
Optional[Array[NSD::ACL::RequestXFR, 1]] $request_xfr = undef,
Optional[Array[NSD::RRLType, 1]] $rrl_whitelist = undef,
Optional[String] $zonestats = undef,
) {
if ! defined(Class['::nsd']) {
fail('You must include the nsd base class before using any nsd defined resources')
if $content and $source {
fail("You must provide either 'content' or 'source', they are mutually exclusive")
$_allow_notify = $allow_notify ? {
undef => undef,
default => delete_undef_values($ |$acl| { nsd::flatten_acl($acl) }),
$_notifies = $notifies ? {
undef => undef,
default => delete_undef_values($ |$acl| { nsd::flatten_acl($acl) }),
$_provide_xfr = $provide_xfr ? {
undef => undef,
default => delete_undef_values($ |$acl| { nsd::flatten_acl($acl) }),
$_request_xfr = $request_xfr ? {
undef => undef,
default => delete_undef_values($ |$acl| { nsd::flatten_acl($acl) }),
$_title = "nsd zone ${zone}"
$_filename = $zone[-1] ? {
'.' => "${zone[0, -2]}.zone",
default => "${zone}.zone",
if $content or $source {
$zonefile = "master/${_filename}"
file { "${::nsd::zonesdir}/${zonefile}":
ensure => file,
owner => 0,
group => 0,
mode => '0644',
content => $content,
source => $source,
validate_cmd => "/usr/sbin/nsd-checkzone ${zone} %",
before => ::Concat["${::nsd::conf_dir}/nsd.conf"],
} else {
$zonefile = "slave/${_filename}"
::concat::fragment { $_title:
content => template("${module_name}/zone.erb"),
order => '30',
target => "${::nsd::conf_dir}/nsd.conf",